Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blake's Workout Plan

I recently purchased a LivingSocial deal to one of our local MyGym's. I didn't realize I was supposed to register Blake before December 24th, 2012... so I called to see if they would still accept it.

And they did! *whew*

I really didn't think anything of it and thought it would just be a good way to get us both out of the house. But I have to say, after taking him to his first class yesterday, I absolutely loved it!

There were 4 other little ones in Blake's class yesterday. He was the youngest and they were all already crawling. He kept getting in the crawling position on his hands and knees to try and reach them but he couldn't get the forward motion just yet. I have a feeling this class will help him with that though!

It's a clean, open floor space with lots of mats and activities to keep the kids occupied.

Blake's class was motivated by music and two wonderful teachers. He sat in a swing for the first time and giggled the entire time. He sat on a tiny choo-choo train and loved the sound that it made! He tumbled and played in the ball pit. They helped him walk up a wooden plank. There was a "hamster" tunnel for the kiddly winks to crawl through.

It was really wonderful. Blake had an awesome time and he napped almost immediately once we got in the car!

The classes are 45 minutes long. There is also about a 10 minute period during the class where the babies are separated from the mommies and nannies. They all played with toys together in a group. Thankfully, Blake didn't cry! He loved the time with his new friends and he even played the piano for them.

I will definitely be taking him back to MyGym on a weekly basis!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I went to my first Mommies Night Out about a week or so ago with the wonderful moms in my MWF workout group. Yes... I know... I'm really delayed at posting this... But that's what happens when you work OT. ;-)

Thankfully, my mother was able to spend a few hours with Blake so I could just get some "time off". My mom was recently in a car accident so she doesn't have full range of motion in one of her arms, but Blake cooperates with her. It's kind of like he knows she's limited in carrying him so he adjusts to her abilities.

Anyway, the mommies went out to Chevy's for some dinner and drinks. I arrived a little earlier than we planned but there were a couple other moms there already.

And taking advantage of the Happy Hour specials!

$4 margaritas.


It still feels a little weird going out without Blake or a diaper bag but... Man... It felt good to BREATHE! No wonder people say date nights and nights out are necessary! It's probably one of the few ways to stay sane with an infant stuck to you all day.

But to be honest... As good as it felt to be out and about, it felt even better coming home. I walked through the front door, saw my baby in his high chair, up past his bedtime, but so extremely happy. He had a huge smile on as soon as he saw me! Then he started calling out, "Mom mom mom..."

Saturday, January 19, 2013

*snip snip*

Blake was born with a full head of hair. And it just keeps growing.

We kept thinking about waiting until his first birthday to cut his hair but for the past few weeks he's been grabbing his ears and scratching around them.

I kept putting his hair behind his ear so it wouldn't tickle or bother the inside of his ear. But it just keeps getting longer and longer.

So this morning, while Blake's dad was here, we put him down for his nap. Once he was in a deep sleep, I cut his nails and then went for the hair...

I didn't know this but apparently Filipinos traditionally wait until the baby is one year old before cutting hair. That's why we wanted to wait. But it was more bothersome than anything. So we TRIMMED his hair, not cut it. ;)

There's a difference, right?

I thought about taking him to the kiddie hair cutter but after thinking about it, I know he wouldn't have stayed still. Just like cutting his nails, my angel needs to be asleep. So mommy's hair cutting skills came out!

I'd have to say I'm glad I didn't take the time to get him dressed, get me dressed, and haul him out to the hair cutter to just pay close to $20 for a 2 minute hair trim. :) I mean, it's not like I put a bowl on his head and cut around it... Yet.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Target Got Me! Again!

I went to Target to pick up some Valentine goodies for Blake's pictures. Some cute little hearts here and there.

But as I was heading to the Valentine section, I passed the toys and heard the little store guns beeping like crazy.

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

You know what that means...


Looked to my left and saw a Target team member replacing a 50% off sign to 70% off! *imagine my bug eyes here*

Took a detour to the toy section and found toys marked down to as long as $3! Within minutes my cart was full. A sales associate offered to take my cart to guest services to hold until I was ready for checkout and bring me an empty one.

Sure, why not?!!

Disney Princess vanity table. Originally priced at $99.99 and marked down to $29.98! Some baby toys for Blake later on for only $3! My heart was racing! My breasts even started hurting because I was so excited. Milk started leaking... Lol!

A Ford F150 remote control car for $17.98! Originally priced at $59.99! A motorized/battery operated riding Mini Cooper S... Originally $169.99 and DOWN TO $50!! Score!! MAJOR SCORE!

I know Target has a coding system for the mark downs. If the price ends in an '8' it can be marked down more but... There were only a few of the big ticket items and they were already 70% off so I didn't want to lose them.

My car is stuffed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

30 Days of Juicing

I might be late for getting (back) onto the juicing challenges. But at least I'm doing it.

I started yesterday. Dusted off my juicer from two years ago...

And the juices I've made (so far... granted I'm only two days in) taste, and feel amazing!

I'm not looking to lose weight since I've actually lost more than I gained during my pregnancy. I gained about 35 pounds during my prego days and I was 155 before I found out I was pregnant.

Yeah... Sh*t... I just put my weight out there. BUT... that was my old weight.

I'm now down to 135 pounds and I really don't feel the need to lose anymore than that. I'm 5'6" and I feel good in my skin. I would, however, like to be healthier and more active. I'm still breastfeeding so the healthier I can be, the healthier my little honeyBee will be.

So I haven't been eating the recommended amount of servings of fruits and vegetables since... well, since... never. -_- And that's why I want to juice.

Yesterday, I packed in nutrients from 2 cups of spinach, a few carrots, 2 oranges and some strawberries. And it tasted pretty good. I can definitely say it rocked drinking a plain ol' Naked juice.

Today, I had to use what I have left since I haven't had time to go to the store. But now I'll make it a point to pick up some goodies from the grocery store with Blake. So today I juiced 2 cups of broccoli, 2 cups of spinach, 2 oranges, 3 carrots and strawberries. I put it in a reusable glass cup and drank it on the way to work. I didn't drink coffee this morning and to be quite honest, I have more energy on this dreary, cold Maryland day than I would have if I had just drank coffee.

I'm feeling good! 

I'm trying to do this with a friend... #30daysofjuicing on IG. Let's see how much time I have to juice at least once a day for the next 28 days. The semester starts next week, and while juice would be a great way to down my nutrients, it's a matter of how much time I have while Blake naps to make a tasty glass of goodness.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

All Aboard the Workout Train

It's a New Year and a lot of people made resolutions to get fit.

Including me.

Well, not exactly to get fit or lose weight, but at least live a more active lifestyle. With Blake.

Blake and I joined our first mommy and baby workout group this past week. Since it was a free class, I was expecting a not-so-strenuous workout and some good, quality mommy group time. I honestly thought the mommies would just be strolling around and kids would be running around us and yelling. But it was nothing like that...


Boy, was I wrong!

The group we joined is Stroller Strides and we were referred to it by a friend. Basically, I get to stay with my little marshmallow while I work out with other mommies. We meet at the mall before the stores open for business and well, we get movin'!

During my first class, we warmed up, pushed the kids around in the strollers at a faster-than-normal pace and used resistance bands. Exercises included everything... lunges, pushups, mountain climbers, bicep curls, jumping jacks, etc. Oyy...

But honestly, I felt GREAT and the high kicked in while we were cooling down. It was awesome to get out of the house, with baby Blake, and meet other moms with the same goals in mind. Having a group like that also gives me a little more motivation. I didn't have to worry about childcare for Blake, and he actually ended up napping in the stroller. *whew*

Let's see how it goes from here...

Here's to a year of active living!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lucky Number Seven!

Blakey turns 7 months old today...

I'm excited for him but is it bad that I already feel like he's growing too fast?

At 7 months, my little bubba is learning to crawl. He mastered crawling backwards... Well... If you call kicking his legs, pushing back with his arms, and scooting his little belly crawling. For some reason, he only goes backwards or clockwise lol! He can't quiet get his tummy off the floor yet.

I picked up a play yard and a foam mat for him to give him more space to crawl around. The house is all hardwood flooring and the only room with a rug is his room. I figured he needs to change up the floor scenery every once in awhile and that's why I out the play yard downstairs.

I guess that can be his gift for turning 7 months today! :)

I also tried to take pictures of him to mark another monthly milestone. This time around, he was so cooperative. Maybe it was the beautiful sun shining, our nice walk outside for fresh air, or he was just loving mommy and Blakey time! Whatever it was, I'm not complaining!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In a Mommy Daze

I don't know if it was all of the excitement of it being a new year, or if it was the slight change in schedule so we could visit family yesterday... But whatever it was... Wrecked havoc on our sleep last night.

Every hour, on the hour... Well, with the exception of 4 am - 6 am, Blake was up and at it. He wasn't giving me a full cry but it was enough to keep me up and work to put him back to sleep.

I'm. Freaking. Exhausted.

But when we got it of bed at 7:30 this morning, and I looked at his happy, little face, I couldn't even be upset. He was so positive... Ready to play... And he seemed well rested. Guess that's all his little body need last night.

His happiness is so contagious.

Mama needs a coffee, though... A nice, extra strong coffee. Thank goodness Starbucks has that January tumbler... For a free coffee everyday this month. So off we go!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I've been slacking on posts over the holidays. Family and friends have kept us busy.

And we're so thankful!

Blake is truly a blessing and... He was super spoiled by all of his aunties and uncles this Christmas. Lol! His room is loaded with clothes and toys. Good timing because now he's really into toys and reaching for them and he's also growing out of his 6-9 month clothing so the new clothes are in the washer now.

I thought I'd be able to relax over this winter break but I feel like my schedule is just as busy. I still have to put away all of the clothes he grew out of already. I plan on taking them all to the huge consignment sale coming up this March, but I definitely need to organize them and pack them all up. They're laying in piles around his room. :-/ Whoops...

I plan on keeping the extra special outfits... Like the one he came home in from the hospital, the ones given to us from family and friendss, and the ones we found super comfortable. ;)

Went a little off track there... Sorry... Since the pregnancy, that's just how my thoughts play out.

So the New Year is here. 2013. I don't know how this year can beat last year but I know it will. I'll make sure of it! 2012 brought me a great pregnancy, a wonderful birthing, and a beautiful son. My family became a lot closer and I've realized who my real friends are. I also learned that I can't take anyone for granted and if I want to keep healthy and happy relationships, it'll take some work.

So my goal this year is to BE COMMITTED IN ALL THAT I DO. Put my all into everything I do. Be the best mom I can be. Be a super student. Be a great employee. Be an understanding friend. Be the lover I need to be. Be the daughter my parents used to know. Be a loving auntie... A supportive godmother... And whatever new adventure may come my way.

I hope everyone makes this the best year yet!