Monday, April 29, 2013

SWAG booties giveaway WINNER!

We have a winner! Thanks to Rafflecopter for helping us choose a winner at random and to all of our visitors for stopping by, entering, and sharing the giveaway! You mamas are AWESOME!!

Blake and I are about to head to Disneyland but didn't want to keep you in the dark any longer...


Here it goes....

If you are the winner, please email me at with your mailing address, the style of bootie you want, and the size you need. :) It's THAT easy!

ASHLEY C. on Facebook

Sunday, April 28, 2013

We're on vacation!

Blake and I left for vacation last Wednesday to explore Los Angeles. I have never ever been to California but I've been told by so many people that I need to visit. And I'm so glad we did! Blake is sleeping now so I figured I'd just say a quick hello and let you know that we miss our readers! I'll share the awesomeness of our trip when we get back to Maryland later this week. And... Stop by the blog on Monday to see if you're the winner for the trendybaby SWAG booties!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

SWAG booties for YOU!

If you've been following our blog, you may remember me posting about the awesome SWAG booties I got for Blake awhile back. If you don't remember or you haven't read up on it, click here first!

Blake was in a phase where he liked to eat his toes and the only way he could do that is if he pulled off his socks (and probably hid one sock from each pair in some secret spot because I hardly ever could find them). He wasn't walking at the time but now he's standing and learning to put one foot in front of the other so it helps that his SWAG booties are non-slip!

There have been studies that say our little ones feet and balance develop better when learning to walk in soft-soled shoes. I'm no doctor, but I do appreciate the soft soles of the SWAG booties because they are just so comfy for my little man.

Well... here's your chance to get a pair for your little one!

There are tons of designs and options at trendybaby on I swear Rachel, the owner of trendybaby, is constantly making new SWAG booties to keep up with the seasons and trends. We have a few ways for you to enter. The giveaway ends on Friday, April 26th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I planned this semester to be all online coursework because my parents were out of town for the month of February. I knew I wouldn't have enough consistent daytime help to care for Blake while I attended classes on campus so I thought online classes would be best.

I started the semester off strong. I was on point. On top of every deadline, every group project, and every extra credit assignment. Then after two weeks of not having any help during the day, I started slacking. By the time Blake was asleep "for the night", I would be so drained.

I know every mom works hard and most moms still manage to get EVERYTHING done, while baking cookies on the side.

But I couldn't do it.

So this is my confession...

I had to force myself to withdraw from my classes this semester.

I know... I know... I could have done it. Right? Probably. But it wouldn't have been a positive outcome. I felt bad for Blake because every time he woke up in the middle of the night to nurse, I'd get frustrated and upset. Thinking, "already?!" or "not again?!" And I'd huff and puff as I walked up the stairs to nurse.

And that shouldn't have been the situation. I should have been happy to nurse my sleepy baby back to sleep. At least he's still breastfeeding, right?

Online classes are a little tougher for me than the classroom setting. I couldn't find the time or drive to sit down and read chapters... twice, so that all of the information could sink in. Every time I opened my textbooks, I wanted to sleep. I would count how many hours of sleep I'd get that night instead of fully focusing on the words on the page.

I'm so disappointed in myself and I know my loved ones are disappointed in me, too. I need to figure this out.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sometimes I Forget I'm a Single Mom

My cousins from New Jersey/New York and Virginia were in town over the weekend and it felt so wonderful seeing them! Their kids playing with my kid and all the sunshine was just perfect.

My family is very tight. My cousins are truly the sisters I've always wanted. Since Blake was born, I haven't been able to travel up and down I-95 as much as I'd like. Not that I'm complaining but I do sincerely miss my weekend road trips to hang out, celebrate birthdays, and just be in great company.

We all have busy lives and I just don't get to connect with my cousins (or friends) as much. Finally having some time to just chill out with them and watch the kids play was nice but then after the kids sleep, we usually stay up and chit chat around the table, maybe drink some wine, laugh about the trouble we used to get into and how our parents were so funny raising us. But Saturday night... I forgot I'm a single mom and had no one to help me put Blake down to sleep.

I so badly wanted to stay with my cousins but it was already waaaay past Blake's bedtime. He was getting cranky, my arms were getting tired from holding him, and someone had to drive him home. That was me. It was hard to say "good night" so I kind of just quietly packed up Blake's stuff and wished someone would be at home to help me.

Blake was so cranky that he screamed and cried the whole ten minute ride home. I parked the car and rushed to open the door and get him out of the carseat to give him some love. He fought me when it came to changing his diaper and getting him into jammies. But when we finally got into bed, I nursed him and all was well in the world. He finally went to sleep.

But then woke up an hour later, screaming. For about 45 minutes. :-/ His schedule was just so off after a day of fun with my cousins' kids. My heart hurt... I started to break a sweat.

It was past midnight and if I were at my cousin's house, we'd be up laughing and maybe drinking a little vino. And instead, I was home with a screaming baby... 

That's when I got a little emotional. Only because I miss my family so much. I miss my friends. I miss going out and being able to grab lunch or a cup of joe without having to find a sitter. And then I started getting upset... because Blake's dad gets nights "off". Every week. He doesn't have to deal with a crying baby... he can go out and live it up and do whatever it is he wants or needs. What about me? I can't help but think this can't be fair. I need an HOUR. Just ONE hour "off".

I'm not knocking BD's work as a father. He's awesome with Blake and Blake absolutely loves him. It's clear to see! But... I need room to breathe sometimes. Time to enjoy with my cousins, friends, and by myself. I mean, it's only healthy that I have time "off" once in awhile, right? It's just so hard to come by.


And then it dawned on me... My son loves me. He adores me. He is a mama's boy. He is learning sign language, how to stand, how to catch, how to walk, and everything with me. I get to see all of his milestones. I get to make him laugh throughout the day. The feelings of anger sadness slowly washed away. Sometimes I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

Friday, April 5, 2013

10 months

Blake is 10 months today. It's super ridiculously crazy how fast time has flown!

I used to think he'd never crawl, he wouldn't stand, and well, that he'd never be a big kid. But he's certainly showing me otherwise.

During the past month, he picked up on so much! The big thing is that he crawls now! And man... This kid should go pro! I definitely need to babyproof the house. I just put outlet covers on but now that he's pulling himself up on furniture, I have to bolt that all down.

But yeah, he's got the crawling down. He pulls himself up and is trying to learn how to walk. He can't stand by himself for more than a few seconds but when we hold his hands, he moves his legs as if he's practicing walking.

Three more teeth also popped out! His two front, top teeth and another one on the side of them. And he loves to use them when he feeds himself.

This past week he picked up how to play peek-a-boo! He covers his eyes on his own and quickly removes his hands when you say "peek-a-boo!" He points to things that he wants, like his snacks or toys.

And that's not all! He also learned how to find lights. Sounds silly right? But when you ask him, "where's the light," he'll lift his head and look around for a light and points to it. If there's no light on, he points out the window where the sun shines!

He also high-fives us and claps his hands. :) He waves bye bye, too!

As for his sign language, he learned "all done" and mastered "milk". Did I blog that he also signs "more" before? If I didn't, well, now I did. ;)

I started playing with Sesame Street ABC flash cards with him and he can pick out the capital letter "A" when I ask for it. :) man... This kid continues to impress me!

He also still says "mama" and this past week he picked up "Elmo" and "ball" which is more like "baw" but he says it when he wants his ball. He says "dada" but it's still a little random. By random, I mean he doesn't exactly say it to his dad but he does mumble it throughout the day. Blakey also plays around and covers his mouth and uncovers it while making noises. Kind of like what we used to do as kids to pretend we were "Indians" doing rain dances.

I couldn't get a picture of him really sitting still so I just sat him on his elephant. And my camera is broken so I had to use the iPhone to capture his 10 month pictures. Hopefully I remember to print them out!

Swimming Classes

BD and I signed Blake up for some swimming classes. He generally loves the water. Loves splashing in the bath, doesn't mind water running over his face, and he falls asleep to the sound of water.

We planned for his first birthday party to be a pool party since my parents have an in-ground pool at home. I figured "why not get Blake used to a bigger body of water?"

Last week was the start of his swim classes.  I guess technically they aren't really swim classes. They're Mommy and Me classes so I am required to get in the pool with him. Errr... Daddy and Me? Grandma/Grandpa and Me? Any adult we appoint can get in the pool with him but I decided to do it since the swim school has a class on Thursday mornings. And what a coincidence it is that we have no plans on Thursday mornings. ;-)

The basic idea of the Mommy and Me class is to get the babies accustomed to water and show them what they are capable of doing in the water.

We missed last week's class but made it to yesterday's class. It was ADORAAAAABLE!

A little crowded, but all of the kids in their little swimsuits killed me.

Blake and I got in the water and he was all smiles and giggles! He kicked his legs and splashed around! I wish someone was there to take pictures of his first time in the pool!

We went back and forth from wall to wall "swimming" after a little sailboat and a rubber ducky. We played catch with the rubber ducky by throwing it a couple feet ahead and swimming to it to catch it. Blake floated on his back like a natural, too!

Then came time to play "Humpy Dumpty" where the kids sat on the edges of the pool while the mommies and daddies held them up. We sang the little song and when Humpty fell off that wall, so did the kids. Well, they didn't fall but the mommies had to lift them up off the edge and help them "fall" into the water with their heads going under.

Holy sh*t... that was tough!

Blake took in some water and was definitely caught off guard. But he wasn't crying... so we did it again.

That's when all hell broke loose. I don't think I've seen this boy cry and scream and disagree with me that hard... ever. From that point on, he didn't trust me, the water, or anyone around us. Almost all of the babies were crying. Screaming. That definitely didn't help calm my Blakey down...

We had ten minutes left in the class and I gave up. Blake and I sat against one of the walls and I tried to calm him down. I tried helping him splash but he didn't even want to let an arm free. He hung on tight around my neck and refused to let go. My poor boy... so distraught and... well, probably just really pissed the eff off. :-/

Getting him dressed was another battle we had. Goodness gracious. A wet, squirmy baby in a cold changing room with no changing table or nothing to lay him down on. I looked at the stark, chilled room and just shook my head. Now mommy was pissed. I was still soaking wet and Blake was still crying his little eyes out. We probably took the longest in the changing room, but you know what... I didn't hear any other babies crying so I hope the other parents understood or realized I was having a tough time.

Finally dressed and buckled up in the car. Blake almost instantly fell asleep. *whew* There was hope!

But instead of just driving off and enjoying the peace, I sat in my car for about 15 minutes to just catch my breath. My hands were far from being steady and I felt like maybe that was an anxiety attack? I started to get a little bit of a headache so I shut my eyes and took deep breaths...


Am I going back next week? I should... huh? At least now I know about the changing rooms and I can prepare myself a little better.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We Kind of Missed His First Easter

Blake hasn't been feeling well the past week and a half. He woke up on Easter morning with a temperature again so his dad and I decided it was best to keep him home.

Easter turned out to be a pretty gloomy afternoon and quite chilly so that took some of the guilt away from not taking him out of the house.

My parents bought Blake his "My First Easter" bib and they were in charge of hiding all of the eggs at a big celebration we go to annually. It was sad that they went without Blake but they left some eggs for him to use for play.

But now that it's getting warmer outside, and the sun is shining, I'd love for him to be out and about. Get some fresh air. We went for an hour walk yesterday, in the 60 degree weather, with the sun shining down on his adorable little face. Brought Langston along with us, too! Once Blake fell asleep, Langston and I played fetch in the field behind my house.

I feel kind of bad because Langston hasn't been getting as much attention from me lately. Not because he has been bad, but because I have so much to do and Blake is all over the place now. That and Blake and I usually go to all of his activities during the day time before he naps in the afternoon.

I would love to take both of my little boys out to DC or for a mini hike. Does anyone have any suggestions around Maryland? DC kind of intimidates me. I don't know if I can handle the metro by myself with Blake... and I wouldn't be able to take Langston there. If I do take Langston and end up driving into DC, I get really nervous with all the one-way roads and tricky streets.

Hey mommies in the area.. anyone want to try and trek out with us some time?!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Traveling with Blake

Two weekends ago, I went up to Rochester with Blake and his dad to celebrate BD's cousin's first birthday. I would really love for Blake to know how loved he is and appreciate the company of both sides of his family.

The last time we took a road trip with Blake he was only about 2 months old. During that time he slept for most of the day and would only wake to nurse. Now that he's 9 1/2 months, it's not as easy to get this kid to sleep especially if he sees me in the backseat with him.

The trip to Rochester, NY from Maryland is about 6 hours. When we went up, Blake already had a little bit of a runny nose, but we already made arrangements to travel so we decided to take the risk. We left in the evening around 8 pm and had him in his jammies already. He slept for most of the ride up and woke every two hours to nurse. Then again, we also gave him a little dose of Children's Tylenol since he had a cold. So that may have contributed to him napping.

Now the ride back was a little worse. It seemed like he got a little more sick while we were up there for the weekend, so that may have contributed to it. But we also left mid-afternoon so Blake probably thought it was time to play. He hated being in the carseat, which doesn't happen often. He was screaming and crying most of the way. I tried nursing him in the car and that didn't even work.

We finally stopped halfway home to fuel up and stretch our legs. Took him out of the car to see what was going on and change his diaper.

Mommy had to get some Advil because all the crying and sitting in the backseat just made me feel sick and gave me a headache.

The sun finally went down and around 7:30 pm, Blake started to get quiet. Once it was darker he fell asleep. And he slept for the rest of the way!

I'm sure his cold played a part in his fussiness but I'm trying to figure out how it's going to be traveling with him on a plane.

BD and I agreed that taking a family trip would be a good idea for Blake and would give him memories to last forever. So we're taking a family trip to California in a month. Plus... Blake flies for free until he turns two! Our flights and hotel are already booked. Counting down the days!

If anyone has any tips on traveling with a little one, please share some tips and tricks in the comments!