Friday, April 5, 2013

10 months

Blake is 10 months today. It's super ridiculously crazy how fast time has flown!

I used to think he'd never crawl, he wouldn't stand, and well, that he'd never be a big kid. But he's certainly showing me otherwise.

During the past month, he picked up on so much! The big thing is that he crawls now! And man... This kid should go pro! I definitely need to babyproof the house. I just put outlet covers on but now that he's pulling himself up on furniture, I have to bolt that all down.

But yeah, he's got the crawling down. He pulls himself up and is trying to learn how to walk. He can't stand by himself for more than a few seconds but when we hold his hands, he moves his legs as if he's practicing walking.

Three more teeth also popped out! His two front, top teeth and another one on the side of them. And he loves to use them when he feeds himself.

This past week he picked up how to play peek-a-boo! He covers his eyes on his own and quickly removes his hands when you say "peek-a-boo!" He points to things that he wants, like his snacks or toys.

And that's not all! He also learned how to find lights. Sounds silly right? But when you ask him, "where's the light," he'll lift his head and look around for a light and points to it. If there's no light on, he points out the window where the sun shines!

He also high-fives us and claps his hands. :) He waves bye bye, too!

As for his sign language, he learned "all done" and mastered "milk". Did I blog that he also signs "more" before? If I didn't, well, now I did. ;)

I started playing with Sesame Street ABC flash cards with him and he can pick out the capital letter "A" when I ask for it. :) man... This kid continues to impress me!

He also still says "mama" and this past week he picked up "Elmo" and "ball" which is more like "baw" but he says it when he wants his ball. He says "dada" but it's still a little random. By random, I mean he doesn't exactly say it to his dad but he does mumble it throughout the day. Blakey also plays around and covers his mouth and uncovers it while making noises. Kind of like what we used to do as kids to pretend we were "Indians" doing rain dances.

I couldn't get a picture of him really sitting still so I just sat him on his elephant. And my camera is broken so I had to use the iPhone to capture his 10 month pictures. Hopefully I remember to print them out!

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