Thursday, March 14, 2013

Snip Snip... Chop chop!

Big changes last week for Blake and me. We both got our hair cut!

My stylist lopped off a good 15 inches of length from me, but I told her if I was going to cut that much off, I might as well get it short SHORT. She told me it I should sleep on it and if I wake up the next morning feeling like I still need it shorter, then she'd cut it shorter. Sure enough, I woke up the next morning and wanted more taken off. You would think after 15 inches I'd be good but nooooope!

Went back to get more off! And I love it!!!!!

Blake also got his hair cut this past week. His dad and I wanted to just get it trimmed so it wasn't in his eyes and ears. He can't really move his little fingers well enough to brush the hair out of his eyes so we agreed to get it done. I took him to a kiddie hair salon in Annapolis, Pigtails and Crewcuts, and he sat up by himself in one of the car chairs.

They put Elmo on the TV and he was having a grand ol' time!

Driving his own car, watching TV, and having all of the attention on him. My digital camera is broken but I was able to capture the moment on my iPhone and with my camcorder. My mom was with me so she was able to help, too.

The stylist saved a lock of his hair for me from his first REAL haircut. It's shorter than I asked but he's still a handsome little guy. :) Since my mom was with us the stylist also saved her a little lock of his hair as a keepsake. That was sweet!

He looks older to me now, but still my little cutie pie!

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