Saturday, March 16, 2013

Scored at the Seasonal Consignment Sale!

I found out about the WeeSale Consignment sale when I was pregnant with Blake. I went last Spring to pick up a few things that we didn't get at our baby shower. Some onesies, caps, socks, and other little things. I mainly just wanted to see what all the hype was about.

Boy, am I glad I went then! There was so much baby gear available at 50-75% off of the original prices and all in great condition!

I went again in the Fall after Blake was born to stock up on clothes for his Fall and Winter wardrobe. I didn't really get any toys or gear because at the time he wasn't doing much except growing.

This past Thursday was the start of their 2013 Spring sale and I tried to get there a few minutes before the doors opened at 9:00 am. There was already a long line and it was below freezing outside. These mommies and daddies, grandmas and grandpas were SERIOUS. I found a parking spot and speed walked over to the line.

I wrote a list to keep me focused on what I needed to get. There were about a hundred strollers there, plenty of highchairs, bouncers, pack and plays, and kiddie sized chairs. I wasn't able to snag a water table, which was the big thing I wanted for Blake this summer, but that's ok. No big deal! I mean, we do have a pool in the backyard... it just would've been cool for him to have a sand and water table to hang out at so I don't have to stay in the pool with him all the time.

Chalked that one up as a loss.

Moved on.

I spent about 45 minutes there. I was able to score a ton of goodies for about $150! That sounds like a lot of money but just wait until you hear and see what I got!

1. Evenflo Snugli Cross Country Backpack Carrier
2. Travel Potty (because Blakey only poops on the potty now)
3. Melissa & Doug Wooden Bean Bag Toss (totally using this for his birthday party!)

4. Outdoor Swing
potty seat for the downstairs bathroom (saves me from running up and down the stairs. when he's gotta go, he's gotta go!)
swimming trunks
some onesies
a couple polos
more shirts
a cute Janie & Jack dress shirt
using this one for his first birthday, obvi!
summer shorts
comfy pants
nike sandals

Robeez booties
the first years bottle warmer - for the night's i need a glass of wine (or two)!
In addition to all of that, I also got my hands on three cargo-type pairs of summer shorts and a pair of khakis for him. But I can't find the scissors to cut the zip ties off of them and I don't feel like running around this morning to look for them. (It's a Saturday morning and I've been up since 4:30 am... please excuse me lol!)

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