Saturday, February 16, 2013

It Finally Hit Me Yesterday...

This blog was made to share a little piece of our world with you. Maybe hopefully give you some insight on things... And possibly help you learn new things?

It's not always going to be glamorous, happy, and light though...

Because moms have their days, too...

And yesterday was one of those days.

You never really realize how helpful 10 minutes a day to yourself can be... Until you don't get it. Yesterday started off wonderfully. Well, besides not getting any sleep again because I had to study, pump, and nurse my son back to sleep. (That's pretty much how every night goes.)

Blake and I went to Stroller Strides, enjoyed some mommy and baby time at Starbucks then ran some errands. Blake napped in the car for most of our ride but when he woke up, he kept reaching out and tried to arch his back to get out of his carseat restraint.

I decided to make a stop at the park since we were passing it anyway. We had a wonderful stroll around the little lake and then swung at the playground for a bit. Boy, does he love swinging!

Soaked in some sunshine, met new friends, and nursed on one of the benches. He was so happy!

Then we got home and that's when all hell broke loose. -_-

He wouldn't go down for a nap. Wouldn't eat food. Wouldn't play with toys. Wouldn't let me put him down! I couldn't even pee without him on my lap.

4 hours later, he was still fussy. My back hurt from carrying him, my head hurt from his whining, and my stomach hurt because I was so hungry. I had plans to see a show last night and couldn't even get ready. I had to put Blake down in his room and let him cry... While I sat on my bed and cried. I needed a release... I needed help. Where's Mary Poppins when you need her?!! I need a direct line!

I don't know how other mommies do it. Two, three, four kids in tow... And they still have time to bake cookies, attend playgroups, shower, put make up on, and cook dinner.

I texted my cousin that lives around the way and told her I was thinking of canceling my one night to go out. I didn't want to leave Blake crying with her and I couldn't get ready anyway. But her positivity really reached out to me through her response. And she said she was up for the challenge, even with her own two kids at home. She was so calm and encouraging and said I could just drop him off and get ready in peace. Thank goodness for family...

I packed his bag and dropped him off.

Then came home, shut the front door, called Langston and plopped down with him right at the entryway. And cried...

I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Worn down. And it's just the end of week one with no help during the day.

Two more weeks to go...

The life of a single mom has officially hit me...

I'm no super mom.

1 comment:

  1. *hug*
    We all have days like that. Being a mommy isn't the easiest job in the world. Don't hesitate to ever ask for any help from friends and will be a much better mom if you take some time to yourself!

    It I funny that you said you were no super mom. I always see all the fun adventures you take with your little man, all the breastmilk you donate, and everytng else you do in between work and school! I think you are a super mom! You seem to conquer so much and look like such a natural doing it :)
