Friday, March 1, 2013

They're Baaaaaaaack!

My parents haven't been around for three weeks and finally came back late last night. It's kind of like Blake knew they were coming home so he prepped himself with a two hour nap and a one hour nap earlier in the day.

Coincidentally, Blake was up right when they walked in the door. We were changing his diaper in his room and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. My mom peeked her head into his door and just smiled at him, waiting for a reaction. He started up at her for a minute and every time she took a step closer to him, it's like it clicked that she was really here and not on a video over the computer.

He squealed with delight and reached his arms out to her. I could hardly get his diaper on because he was kicking his legs with excitement!

Once his diaper was secured on, she snatched him up and showered him with kisses. She took him downstairs to wait by the door for my father. Blake and my dad are best friends. Man oh man, they really are buddies! So my dad walked in the door and stood at the entrance with his silly smile and waved at Blake. Blake quickly reached out for him, almost tipping himself out of my mom's arms.

That moment, with both of my parents kissing him and loving him, was one of the sweetest moments I've seen. I started to cry and I don't know if it was because I knew I would finally have a little help during the day or because it was just such a beautiful moment. My son was all giggles and smiles and my parents were just so happy to see him. They forgot to greet me but seeing how joyous they were to be together was wonderful!

Blake wasn't nervous and obviously didn't forget who they were. It's good to know they make such an impression on him!

Now that they're back, I'll finally get my ten minutes a day to myself to pump without interruption, use the bathroom, shower, study, and eat! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!! Thank goodness for grandparents!!

Since he stayed up so late, he's still fast asleep at 10 am this morning! He woke up at 7 for a bit but fell back to sleep after a diaper change. ;)

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