Friday, March 29, 2013

Still sick

Just when I thought Blake was over the worst part of this sickness, it got worse. Of course.

He had a runny nose and hoarse throat the past few days but he got his voice back on Wednesday so I thought we were almost in the clear.

When he's sick, I continue to breastfeed but I also thaw out frozen breastmilk to see if there are any antibodies that could help. He started showing interest in solid food again yesterday. We had soup rice soup with chicken. Yummy dinner for mommy and Blake!

But then while we were playing before his bath, his nose started running again. I ended up skipping his bath and have him a lukewarm wipe down instead.

He pooped in his diaper, which doesn't sound surprising but it is for me since he hasn't pooped in his diaper for awhiiiiiile. He goes on the potty... So that's how I knew he was still sick.

It was incredibly tough getting him to sleep last night. His nose kept running like a monster was inside his nose scaring the snot out. Ha! I took the NoseFrida out a few times and he hated it but at least he could breathe.

He finally fell asleep around 8... About an hour later than he normally does. He woke up a half hour later and his body was hot. I unsnuggled him from his blankie and laid with him until he fell back asleep. He woke up again... 30 minutes later and he had the saddest, little cry ever.

His bottom lip curled and he covered his eyes with his little hands. Then the heartbreaking cry came out and the tears started flowing. My poor baby...

He had a temperature of 103.3 F last night...

And of course neither of us slept.

I finally broke down and called BD early this morning. He doesn't usually visit on Thursday nights but I needed a hand and some shut eye. He didn't answer... And honestly, I started crying.

I was so heartbroken seeing my son so miserable and I was extremely exhausted. I was mad at the world at 5 am. Ugh...

BD finally got back to me around 7:30 am but I was so flustered and tired. Blake finally went down for a morning nap so I tried to go down for a nap too. 20 minutes later he woke up. We went downstairs so I could make coffee and saw BD was here!

Thank goodness!

I started getting tears in my eyes and BD just gave Blake a big hug. Then he sent me to bed.

I slept for an hour then BD had to really get to work so here I am. Up and at it! All I needed was that one hour.

I doubt BD reads this blog but if you do, thank you for the help this morning!

So today will be all snuggles and love for Blake. Hugs and kisses and as much fluid as he can drink. He can even watch some TV today! I'm kind of sad we'll miss his playgroup's egg hunt but if we stay home and rest, hopefully he'll be better for the real big egg hunt on Easter!

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