Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's Time - Part I

It was time to meet my son... or at least, it was about to be time to meet my son.

2:30 am on June 4th, 2012.

I felt a funny type of pressure in my tummy and thought it was time to use the bathroom. I tried. Nothing happened.

I went downstairs to eat something instead. Maybe it was hunger pains? I didn't really feel hungry but why not? It was an excuse to just eat something tasty.

The funny pressure kept coming and going.

Hmmm... this must be how pressure waves feel?!

I called BabyDaddy and woke him up. I told him about the funny feeling and he asked if he needed to come over. I told him I just wanted to give him a heads up but I didn't want to sit in the hospital so I wanted to wait it out. (I had one false alarm and it was no fun waiting in Labor & Delivery so I didn't want to go back unless I absolutely had to.) He started practicing the Hypnobabies scripts and breathing exercises with me over the phone. It helped calm me down and definitely helped calm the pressure wave sensations.

I ended up going back to sleep soon after. But woke up to my phone ringing about an hour later. It was BD. Yes, I still feel it but it's not consistent so I'm going back to sleep. Oops... guess he couldn't go back to sleep after my call to him so he was up worrying.

6:30 am.
I woke up again and tried using the bathroom. (TMI? Well, you're a mommy blog so get used to it.) It worked but I still felt that funny pressure. Back to listening to my Hypnobabies script recordings on my phone.

I'm staying with my parents and my dad woke up to get ready for work. He saw me coming down the stairs and pausing to breathe. He looked at me and said, "Nooooooooooo! Not today! It's not time! Go eat!" Apparently, eating is the solution to everything around here. LOL!

Went downstairs to make some breakfast, feed the pup and let him out for his morning potty break. My mom walked in the kitchen and saw me pausing to breathe again, and her eyes lit up. She knew it was the day! I kept closing my eyes and repeating the Hypnobabies scripts and verses in my head. I was ok. I knew I was going to be ok.

7:30 am.
BD stopped by on his way to work to see how I was feeling. He was prepared to call out and take me to the hospital but I told him to just go to work and I'd call him when it was time.

There was no way I was going to go to the hospital without a memory card for my camera and maybe even some cute slippers. Slippers would be nice, I thought. So...

8:00 am.
I went to Target with my huge belly and my mom. I could still feel the pressure waves but it wasn't bothering me. I just kept breathing through them. No biggie! An older gentleman was following me around the store and finally stopped me to say, "You're going to have the baby here. Were you planning on a Target baby?! I'm going to stay near you just in case!" What a sweet man. My mom and I laughed and I assured him I was fine.

Got my memory card, slippers for the hospital, and a few other things... because you can never leave Target without getting things you don't need. ;-)

Arrived back at my house and took a nap. When I woke up, the pressure waves were closer together. I decided to take a walk and call my doula to tell her the baby was coming soon. She invited me to watch a movie instead of wasting time at the hospital. As I was getting ready, BD came back to the house. He brought lunch and told me to eat and then we started timing the pressure waves.

3 minutes apart. 45 seconds each.


I finished my lunch, or all that I could actually stomach, and then we took our time getting ready to leave. I called my parents and told them we were going but my dad was confident that we weren't going to meet my son yet. Come to find out, he was in denial because he was extremely nervous for me. His baby was having a baby...

We arrived at the hospital around 4 pm or so. I was 5 centimeters dilated already. Guess I was staying!




To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. Ah! even tho you already told me your birth story.. i was all into reading it here and BAM..to be continued. Bahaha! Good one :P Can't wait to continue reading part 2! <3

