Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hospital Bag

Thinking about all the articles, lists, and friends telling me what I absolutely needed to pack in my hospital bag was a little overwhelming. If I packed everything they told me to, I would have needed a 3-piece luggage set!

I kept thinking of my birthing plan and what I really wanted for my baby and me. I didn't want to bring a lot because... well, because I honestly didn't want to have to worry about lugging it all around. Or having BD lug it around.

Starting with the things my baby needed. A going-home outfit...


That's it?! What does a newborn REALLY need besides that?!

My hospital provided newborn diapers, napkin wipeys for his dirty diapers, a nasal bulb, a hat, swaddle blankets, and gauze for him. If I'm paying for the hospital bill, I felt like my baby was entitled to go ahead and take advantage of what they offered! Yes?! YES!

I planned on breastfeeding and heard about the difficulties some moms have. But I didn't let it stop me from preparing. In my bag...

3 Nursing tanks - One for each day I was expected to stay there.
Sweatpants/Yoga pants.
Toiletries (toothbrush, haircare, toothpaste, deodorant, a comb, and some bobby pins).
iPad and charger.
Digi cam and charger.
Going-home outfit.
Power bars (to sneak a bite in when the nurses weren't around).
Shower cap (to wear in the shower/bath while laboring to help ease the pain).
Bobby pins & hair ties.
GU energy gel (for an extra boost).

The hospital provided stuff for mommies, too. They had disposable underwear, pads, nipple cream, and ice packs. After delivering a child, I didn't want to ruin any of my nice panties so I totally took advantage of the disposables they had! Yeah, they aren't the most attractive things ever but they're freakin' comfy and who the heck was going to see my rear end anyway?

That's really all I packed. My main goal was to keep it simple. Did I use everything in my hospital bag? Yes. Did I feel prepared? Yes. Mission complete? Yes. ;-)

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