Friday, April 11, 2014

Updates updates updates!

Yikes... so I know I said I've been busy but I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted.

A semi-quick update on what's been going on?

Blake is no longer a baby. He is a little person. 22 MONTHS! He's a little person that loves to run and talk and sing and dance. Everyday, he asks to go outside. My goodness... he can't get enough of the outdoors. It doesn't matter if it's snowing, raining, or thundering outside... he'll ask to "pay (play) outside"and beg and just wait by the front door until we go out. Hence... the reason I haven't been able to really sit down and blog. He loves to mix the dirt/mud like he's making soup, draw on the street with chalk, "paint" trees with his mud mixture, and follow bugs around. He likes to throw leaves in the air, roll around in them, and walk our dog. He stomps in puddles, rides a tricycle (with my assistance), and pushes his lawn mower around. He waves to all of the cars that pass by and asks them to "come back" when they leave.

He is finally getting the hang of using "please" in the right context and he started saying "thank you."

But an issue... well, not really an issue, but a little hiccup that we're having right now is that he tends to snatch toys from bigger kids and yell "NO" to them. Sometimes he'll smack them. :-/ We're working on learning that the other toys are "busy" and he can't just take them away. Oy... Any tips on handling this?

Also, our pup has been sick. He's 12 years old now and he still has some good ol' energy. He plays well... when he's in the mood to play. I took him to the vet to get a couple mass lumps removed but after a biopsy... we found out that he has cancerous cells. BD and I have been taking it one day at a time with Langston. It's incredibly tough to decide what we need to do for his comfort but I also understand that the longer we wait, the more pain he'll be in. So a lot of our time has been spent hanging out with him and taking him outside with us, too.

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out... BD and I are back together. Lovey dovey hearts all over! We've been working on it but last season (or maybe a little before that), we talked and talked and talked and realized we just needed to be together. As a couple. As a family. As best friends. With him and Blake and Langston... I've never felt so complete. :-)

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